Our Sunday School covers grades Pre-K through 8th. The classes are divided by age group:
Little Lambs: Lower Grades
Blooming Believers: Middle Grades
Daily Disciples: Upper Grades
In our third unit of this school year, we see how the Church grew as Jesus’ followers shared His message of salvation. Sent and equipped by Jesus, Peter and the disciples, later joined by Paul and others, spread out from Jerusalem with the good news of the forgiveness Jesus won for us all. The Gospel has come to us, and now we are a part of this mission of spreading the Word of our Savior until He returns in glory.
We also have a Bible Class for our high schoolers called Teen Talk.
We are currently going through a study on “How We Got the Bible.” This study will help us better understand why the Bible is so special, what makes the books of the Bible stand out from other religious writings, and how the final collection of the books of the Bible came about. Through it all we will come to better recognize the authoritative, powerful Voice of God that speaks throughout the Bible which makes it the true and trustworthy Word of God.
We have an archive of video Sunday School lessons made in 2020-2021 which include a short Bible lesson and a sing-along song. You can find these on our YouTube Channel.
“We will tell the next generation
the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord,
His power and the wonders He has done.”